Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental (K3l) Integration Policy

Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental (K3l) Integration Policy

PT Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia is a company engaged in the development and production of various lubricating oils, committed to the Quality, Safety, Work Health and Environmental Management System (K3L), namely:

  1. Improve product quality and customer satisfaction and pay attention to the needs and expectations of interested parties.
  2. Comply with applicable laws and regulations and other requirements relating to product quality, safety, occupational health and the environment.
  3. Preventing work accidents, work-related diseases, environmental protection including preventing pollution from all company activities.
  4. Providing quality, safety, occupational health and environmental improvement programs for employees including training, motivation and quality & K3L awareness.
  5. Determine, implement and monitor quality & K3L goals and objectives and carry out corrective actions for continuous improvement of quality & K3L performance and management systems.
  6. Carry out environmental preservation efforts, among others:
    • Carry out 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Recovery) in the production process using B3 waste raw materials and reduce and utilize B3 waste and non-B3 solid waste produced;
    • Implement effective control over all operations to prevent and minimize the release of water, air and soil pollutants into the surrounding environment;
    • Continuously implement programs that can reduce the effects of greenhouse gases;
    • Carry out conservation and efforts to protect biodiversity.
  7. Establish harmonious relationships with customers and interested parties, carry out consultation and participation with employee representatives.

This policy is documented, implemented and communicated to all employees and all people who work on behalf of the company and is open to interested parties relevant to the company.

Cikarang Barat, 20 February 2024