PT Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia Laboratory is committed to being a Laboratory that works professionally, free from independent partiality in serving Internal and External customers, and protecting the confidentiality of information, limited disclosure and also ownership rights of Internal and External customers.
PT Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia Testing Laboratory aims to become a trusted lubricant laboratory in Indonesia and internationally that is able to provide the best service in the form of precision and speed in realizing test results, as well as being responsive to customer complaints.
PT Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia Laboratory always identifies risks and opportunities, and a commitment to developing human/personal resources to meet the required competencies.
Quality Management System Testing Laboratory of PT Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia meets the requirements of the SNI ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 standard and continuously improves its effectiveness.
This policy is documented, conveyed to all Laboratory personnel and all people who work on behalf of the company and is open to all parties.