Scope of Work
WGI’s commitment is manifested in various activities that cover the fields of education, health, and the environment (disaster management, as well as special assistance). The realization of activities is carried out by all WGI work units, both at the head office and all operational units.
In the environmental aspect, through the Green, Clean and Healthy Village program, it is able to improve infrastructure and improve the quality of residential settlements around the company, which were initially poorly organized to be more orderly, neat and beautiful. Development of these environmental aspects include:
In order to support the advancement of the younger generation which is an indicator of the quality of human resources in the future, one form of development in the aspect of education includes revitalizing PAUD (Early Childhood Education) facilities so that children can grow and develop with positive personalities, giving provision of teaching staff in improving competence / certification in accordance with the methods and curriculum applied by the Government, as well as scholarship programs for vulnerable groups in the community.
Another aspect that is in focus is health which is the most vital part of human survival. Health has always been the center of attention in Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Mothers, toddlers, the elderly and children are the targets of this health program, including blood donations, supplementary feeding for toddlers, giving milk and vitamins for the elderly who cannot afford to Local Health Center, health counseling in Local Health Center and Elementary Schools as well as revitalizing community coordinator team in Local Health Center through training.
WGI is committed to consistently implementing all Corporate Social Responsibility activities in environmental, educational and health aspects, so as to create a society that is more economically and socially independent. The support and cooperation of the regional government is one of the factors in the continuity of this activity.