Protecting The Environment, Together.

As a company that focuses on the welfare of human resources and the sustainability of a safe and comfortable environment for people's lives, WGI continues to help government efforts in minimizing pollution and protecting the environment through Geo Collect activities. WGI is very keen and active in facilitating the Geo Collect process, to produce lubricants that have been carefully processed with a complete integration system and international standardization in all regions of Indonesia to produce quality and safe products. With this process, WGI has created a solution in maintaining the availability of lubricants to meet needs and reduce the threat of a fuel crisis that will disrupt the broad economy.

Pre-owned Oil Collection Locations

Cikarang Barat


Cikarang Barat



Desa Gandamekar Km.24, Kec. Cikarang Barat, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat.

Contact Person

Bp. Miftahul Ulum


021 8831241

Location on Map