Celebrate 26th Anniversary, PT WGI Helping Islamic Boarding School

Celebrate 26th Anniversary, PT WGI Helping Islamic Boarding School

PT Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia has been present for 26 years with the theme “Generating Energy for Brilliant Achievements. PT WGI hopes to give the best contributions to Indonesia, as well as to spread goodness to the entire community.

According to the spirit, PT WGI which celebrated its virtual anniversary also provided compensation for the Miftahul Khoirot Islamic Boarding School was built in 1932 because it experienced a disaster and pleased some students. Located in Desa Manggungjaya, Cilamaya Kulon, Karawang Regency, West Java. The handover was symbolically by M. Heryanto Jafar as Deputy Director of Finance to representative Miftahul Khoirot Islamic Boarding School.

This assistance is given as a form of gratitude for the operations and performance of PT WGI to date. The activity is not only a form of cash but also provides a learning infrastructure for students.